Monday, 21 May 2018

Sultan of Johore

It was a monumental moment for the Bugis Malay Society (Singapore) being granted to meet Duli Yang Maha Mulia, Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim ibni Sultan Iskandar at his premise in Istana Bukit Pelangi on the 20th May 2018 at 0930hrs.

Thank you DYMM Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar for your time and hospitality in granting us our wish to meet you at your premise at Johore Best 104 FM, Istana Bukit Pelangi, Johor Bahru today. 
Duli Yang Maha Mulia, Tuanku Sultan Ibdahim.

When we arrived, Tuanku was surprised to see the 5-key representatives and several accompanying members trailing behind. Tuanku was so kind that he decided to meet everyone at his verandah and not in his office, making sure everyone had a chance to converse with him. Tuanku mentioned that he could not offer us any coffee because 'everyone is fasting right?'. 

Members of the Bugis Malay Society with Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim at his verandah.

When we all settled to our seats, Tuanku observed at each and everyone of us and asked us 'Are you all Bugis'. I could see the surprise in his expression when we answered 'yes' with conviction. Some if us were practically tongue-tied when we spoke to Tuanku Sultan of Johore for the very first time. 
Presenting to Tuanku our Society plaque to commemorate our appreciation and future ties with Johore Royal House.

Nevertheless, we felt very fortunate abd blessed. We introduced ourselves to Tuanku and had an hour and the half of fruitful conversation and sharing of knowledge. Tuanku was really interested in the existence of the Bugis community in Singapore. I wish I had more with Tuanku! 

Members of the Bugis Malay Society (Singapore) with Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim.
(L-R) Shahiriah Jamaludin, Sarafian Salleh, Raja Khalid, DYMM Sultan Ibrahim, Ibrahim Ariff, Noor Liza Nurdin, Haslinna Jaaman - Gambar iksan Feyi Firmansyah.

Tuanku has shown interest in the current and future activities by Singapore Bugis Malay Association (PMBS) and has given some suggestions to move forward. He also shared several historical and monumental events of his family and the relationship between Johor and Singapore.

I am with Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Ibrahim ibni Sultan Iskandar

I have been yearning to meet Sultan of Johore since I discovered my Bugis roots. My mother told me a lot about the Sultan of Johore because she was once from Cedar Girls' Secondary School and she would always pass an old lake at Bidadari that was once an estate acquired by Sri Maharaja Abu Bakar, the Great-great-grandfather of today's Sultan that I met, Sultan Ibdahim Ibni Sultan Iskandar. Our purpose today was to ask for his moral support and advice for any of our Bugis Malay Society future events. In addition, I got to ask him other issues like the fate of Istana Woodneuk, Radin Mas, untold history of Masjid Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim Telok Blangah Singapura , the real Radin Mas, Bidadari Cemetery, mode of Bugis transports from Riau, Sg to Tg Surat, Syair Abu Bakar, land titles and many more.

An hour and the half was not enough. We spoke about Penyengat, Makassar and also future events in Johore which he would like our Bugis Society to be involved too. Sultan Ibrahim welcomed us warmly. It was initially planned for only five of us meet him in his office; Raja M KhalidIbrahim AriffNoor Lizah Nurdin,  Haslinna Jaaman and myself. But because he went out of his office to his verandah and saw a larger group, he said with a broad smile,"wow ramai nya orang Singapura, lets talk outside then". Today's meet was like a dream come true.
Hope to meet you again. Daulat Tuanku !
Sarafian Salleh

From our Bugis Society Singapore President, Raja Khalid.

Alhamdulillah ... Pada pagi Ahad 20 Mei 2018, 5 orang Pemimpin Persatuan Melayu Bugis Singapura (PMBS) telah diperkenankan untuk mengadap DYMM Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, Sultan Yang DiPertuan Bagi Negeri Dan Jajahan Takluk Johor di Pejabat Mados, Istana Bukit Pelangi, Johor Bahru, iaitu:-
1.Penasihat PMBS- Datin Noor Lizah, isteri kepada Guburner Kepulauan Riau.
2.Presiden PMBS- Tuan Raja Khalid.
3.Vice Presiden PMBS- Tuan Ibrahim Ariff.
4.Vice Presiden PMBS-Tuan Sarafian.
5.Setiausaha / Bendahari PMBS- Puan Haslinna Jaaman.

Raja Khalid, our President for Bugis Malay Society (Singapore) with Feyi Firmansyah standing and photographing this monumental meeting.

Alhamdulillah, Tuanku telah menunjukkan minat terhadap Persatuan Melayu Bugis Singapura (PMBS) serta memberikan beberapa saranan dan juga turut berkongsi mengenai keluarga Tuanku serta hubungan antara Johor dengan Singapura.

Turut hadir didalam pertemuan sekitar 1 jam setengah itu ialah Ahli Jawatankuasa PMBS, Puan Shahariah Jamaluddin, dua orang Aktivis PMBS Singapura dan seorang Aktivis PMBS Johor yang bantu memandu kami ke Istana serta tiga orang pegawai pengiring Penasihat PMBS dari Kepulauan Riau.
Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kami didalam melaksanakan aktiviti aktiviti seperti yang di saranankan oleh Tuanku. Aamiin...
Raja M Khalid.

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